Global Lyme Alliance

Global Lyme Alliance is the leading charity organization dedicated to conquering Lyme and other tick-borne diseases through funding innovative research, offering effective education and awareness programs, supporting the needs of patients and caregivers, and advancing, through science and data, reliable diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and an eventual a cure.

The work GLA does is personally important to SwingJuice as two of our team members have been diagnosed with Lyme disease. It is also important to our partners Jimmy and Erin Walker, as they both have Lyme also. Six-time PGA TOUR champion and major winner Jimmy Walker started showing signs of Lyme disease in December of 2016 and the disease basically de-railed his entire 2017 season. The timing was unfortunate, as Jimmy was at the top of his game, but Lyme does as it will. Almost to the day in December of 2017, his wife Erin learned she also had Lyme. 

The Walkers immediately began educating and pleading with those in their circles to go to a Lyme Literate MD and get tested if they had illnesses that no one could diagnose. After learning our Marketing Director, Kara Hoover, was suffering with a prolonged illness that wasn’t getting diagnosed, Erin urged Kara repeatedly to go get tested and eventually researched the closest LLMD for her to go to. Sure enough, it was Lyme, and Erin had likely saved Kara from getting to the point of no turning back. They became deeply involved with Global Lyme Alliance and have continued the fight against Lyme disease through this organization.  

SwingJuice currently has two designs in partnership with the Walker Family and the Global Lyme Alliance. Donations are made to GLA in honor of this partnership.

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