Look, Monday's suck. Sometimes we need a little pick me up to get through the start of the new week. SwingJuice has got you covered. Check out Hulks Monday pick for song of the week entitled "Just Like Tiger Woods" by STEEL PANTHER. Don't know who STEEL PANTHER is? Well, Imagine if 80's hair metal never died. Imagine if heavy riffs, catchy choruses and topical lyrics never died. Thankfully for us, Tiger is back to his winning ways and this song is no longer relevant; because if we cannot learn from the past then we are doomed to repeat it.
There's nothing more American than 80's Metal, Tiger Woods and our "Merica" shirt.
Drop a comment below on your favorite golf related song.
Hit us up on twitter at @swingjuice @swingjuice dan @angrygolfhulk or on Instagram at @swingjuice @danpatascher. Be sure to share some pics in SwingJuiceGear using #Wearsyourswingjuice ANGRYGOLFHULK is currently head banging to an 80's greatest hits mix tape (Side A) he made by holding his tape deck to the speaker of his stereo.