First of All, How is this Holiday not more publicized?!? So It looks like October 4th is probably the Greatest Day in the History of The Earth and pretty much the Greatest Day of the Year. While there are many Great days to choose from on the calendar (Most noteworthy days like Christmas, New Years, 4th of July, maybe Your birthday, etc...) Nothing and I mean NOTHING packs a punch like October 4th. Furthermore this happens EVERY YEAR. Queue the List of National Days for October 4th: Taco Day Vodka Day Golf Lover's Day And MIND BLOWN.
So probably the Next Stop for 10/4 is becoming a True National Holiday with a day off to play some golf, drink some vodka, and of course eat some Tacos (also feel free to mix in some SJ). In case you were wondering: DEFINITION Holiday noun hol-i-day "a day on which one is exempt from work; specifically :a day marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event" Dare I say The American Dream?? Almost. There you have it folks, October 4th from Here on going forward can be considered the GREATEST DAY ON EARTH! Consequently, Make your plans for 2018. TEN FORE! Finally, we are 100% Prepared for the Occasion. Golf & Tacos#Classic Golf & Vodka#HelloFall Just Plain Golf and More Golf#LYFE