Still don't know what gift to get the Golfer in your life that has EVERYTHING? In this week's episode of "Bros on Golf" (our awesome collaboration with Brobible), we have two very special guests. Call this the Holiday Edition Podcast if you will. We speak with the Founder of Sir Hissalot and the WILDLY Popular golf gift Hissalot, the prank rubber snake that has golfers running away in fear Worldwide. Travis Miller comes on the program to discuss how he got it all started, how he almost pranked someone to death (true story) and what's next for the viral sensation. So funny. Next up we have one of the co-founders of the Wildly successful golf game Chippo. Brendan McAuley discusses how he got the initial idea for Chippo and the SUPER successful launch of the backyard Instant Classic (combo of cornhole and golf...Yes Please!) that's taken the Golf world by storm. So this is definitely a super fun episode that you don't want to miss. Cornhole + Golf, and Snakes OH MY! And obviously if you need any additional Holiday Gift Ideas, of course SJ has you covered TO SUBSCRIBE AND LISTEN ON iTUNES CLICK HERE Listen Below: